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Heritage Poultry

“We can see a thousand miracles around us every day. What is more supernatural than an egg yolk turning into a chicken?” - S. Parkes Cadman

About Our Flock

Our flock was hand selected so that we could work towards breeding and preserving quality poultry that stay true to their original breed standards.

In a further effort to provide the best products possible, our poultry is free ranged and supplemented with non-GMO pellets and non-GMO fodder that we grow on our farm. We also ferment their feed to ensure that they get the most nutritional value, and maintain the best internal health as possible!

Columbian Rocks

Our flock of Columbian Rocks was purchased from a breeder that imported their parents from a heritage breeder in Canada. These birds are not only beautiful but true to the breed standard, not at all what the hatcheries mass produce!

Currently, our flock is still small due to the limited availability of birds of this quality but we are selectively breeding to be able to expand our flock and hopefully soon offer some stock for sale.

These birds are large but extremely docile and produce well, even in the winter. They give a light brown, almost pink, egg reliably.

More Breed Information & Photos Coming Soon!

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